Welcome to Creative Design Interactive. Since 1997 we have created easy to use software for Windows users and developers, including Icon Snatcher, Web Organizer and Update Wizard just to name a few.
We still strive to produce quality software for our users and have designed several tools on our website to allow you, the user, to communicate to us, your ideas, problems or comments. We have forums for you to talk to us as well as other users, a support page that allows you to create support requests as well as bug reports. If you create an account you will be able to track your support requests and post topics and reply to topics in the forums. Account creation is simple and takes a minute or two. Once you create an account here you will be able to use any of our software that requires a user account.
If you do not wish to create an account, but want to still be updated on the happenings within Creative Design Interactive, you can sign up for our free newsletter. The newsletter allows us to update registered users as well as just newsletter subscribers about upcoming software, software updates and events.